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The People’s Pavilion 2023

Dec 7, 2022Company News

Tisserin are excited to be involved with The People’s Pavilion 2023 by Beyond The Box. An innovative scheme to encourage young East Londoners to learn about creative and design industries and to have an impact on their local area. As an emerging practice following the competition closely last year, we’re excited to share our knowledge and work with the next generation of architects and engineers alongside leading practices. Supporting and mentoring young talent is at the heart of Tisserin’s ethos.

The People’s Pavilion design competition features weekend workshops for 14-18 year olds in seven East London boroughs, with shortlisted teams working with established practices on design development, model making and exploring how the built environment can bring about positive change in local areas.

The winning design team will feature at the Venice Biennale in March 2023.

Read more about this year’s venture here.